Religious Education

A central belief as Religious Educators at Star of the Sea is the recognition that parents are the prime educators of their children and, as teachers, we are privileged to share in this task.

We believe that faith is a gift from a God who loves us and that education in faith is a lifelong process that occurs in many different contexts - the home, the school, the parish and the community.

The Religious Education Program at Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School is based on the Religion curriculum produced by the Diocese of Rockhampton.

This curriculum is designed so that students have opportunities to develop:

  • a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
  • understanding and appreciation of the religious beliefs, values and practices of Christianity and the ways that Catholics live these out
  • respect and appreciation for the religious beliefs, attitudes and values of others
  • age-appropriate skills to research, discuss, reflect on and critique religion in an informed, intelligent and sensitive manner

An inquiry approach to learning encourages students towards a life long journey of deepening their relationship with God by wondering about Him and actively seeking His truth.

Prayer and liturgy are vital elements in our Religious Education Program. Regular opportunities are provided for the children to plan, prepare and participate in prayer and liturgies. Details regarding special prayer and liturgical events are communicated through relevant classes, school newsletters and via our school calendar each term. Parents are encouraged to attend these celebrations of the sacred with us.

Important events in the life of the Church and School are recognised and celebrated. The Feast of the Holy Name of Mary (September 12) is the School Feast Day.

We take seriously our responsibility to work with our Star of the Sea Gladstone Parish in its ministry of continuing the mission of Christ. We work closely with the priests of our Parish and enjoy their contribution to masses, liturgies, class visits and school events.

Sacramental Program

Effective family based sacramental preparation programs are available in our Parish for the Sacraments of Reconciliation (First Confession), Eucharist (First Communion) and Confirmation.

The Parish Sacramental Team is responsible for the development and implementation of these programs. Parents will be advised of details of the program through information meetings, parish bulletins, school newsletters and letters. These programs are supported through the Religious Education Program and the content that is taught within each year level.

Star of the Sea

Catholic Primary School

Phone: 07 4972 1305

181 Goondoon St Gladstone Qld 4680


© Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School Gladstone.
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