Student Behaviour

As a Catholic Primary School inspired by Gospel values, we care deeply about creating a safe and inclusive environment for all students to learn and socialise. A whole school approach offers a shared language and consistent strategies to cater for the diverse needs of our students and to develop positive behaviours and social /emotional skills across the school community.

Central to the teaching of positive behaviours is an understanding of the impact of personal story. The strategies and approaches we use consider the effect of trauma, disability, family circumstances and personal wellbeing on the social /emotional and relationship skills of our students. A whole school, multi tiered approach is implemented to assist in developing positive behaviours and relationship skills in our students.

Tier One

  • High quality teaching and learning promoting positive behaviours and social skills
  • Safe and supportive environments
  • Nurturing and responsive relationships
  • Whole school SEL curriculum incorporating CED-R Student Mental Health & Wellbeing Framework and Berry Street Education Model and building knowledge of Brain plasticity and its effects on emotional regulation and resilience.

Tier Two

  • Children at risk receive targeted explicit teaching of social skills and emotional regulation in small groups. This may include specific tools and programs such as:
    • The Alert Program
    • You Can Do It Program
    • Zone of Regulation
  • IEP's - Social/ Emotional or Behaviour SMART goals

Tier Three

  • 1:1 Intensive intervention of individualised positive behaviour support
  • Individualised behaviour support plans
  • Case Management for children with persistent challenges
  • In-School Counselling Support
  • CED-R Behavioural Support Team Referral

Bullying in Schools

Catholic schools take bullying seriously and have a commitment to the safety and protection of all children in their care. We recognise the negative effects that ongoing bullying can have on student health and wellbeing and believe that a whole school approach to addressing bullying is essential. As well as proactively developing social/ emotional skills and creating safe learning environments, it is important that school communities have a shared understanding of what bullying is, how it impacts people and how best to respond. At Star of the Sea we use the National Definition of Bullying as outlined below:

Bullying is an ongoing misuse of power in relationships through usually repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that is intended to cause physical and/or psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power over one or more people. Bullying can happen in person or using digital or other technologies, and it can be obvious (overt) or hidden (covert). Bullying of any form or for any reason can have long-term effects on those involved, including bystanders.
Single incidents and conflict or fights between equals, whether in person or online, are not defined as bullying.

Responding to Bullying

We believe that the best outcomes to address bullying are achieved when home and school work together to help resolve ongoing conflicts at school. Bullying complaints will be taken seriously and responded to sensitively.

Students who may be experiencing bullying behaviour, or students who have witnessed bullying behaviour, are encouraged to report their concern to school staff as soon as possible. The school will respond to all reported incidents of bullying, perceived or actual, sensitively, fairly and promptly to determine the nature of the conduct and the students involved. This understanding will inform staff about how to effectively implement an appropriate response to that behaviour.

Star of the Sea Positive Behaviour Policy

Star of the Sea

Catholic Primary School

Phone: 07 4972 1305

181 Goondoon St Gladstone Qld 4680


© Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School Gladstone.
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